Whoever claims that there is no such thing as “fun” existing within “fun-damental learning” has apparently never been to the College Experience where we go on some awesome field trips. As we move further and further into the autumn months, we are looking back at some of the wonderful trips that we took throughout the summer. One of those excursions was through the Money Matters Class taught by Adrienne Hasse. The class was provided with a “real-world budgeting experience” that required them to save up for their tickets to the Six Flags Great Escape Theme Park. The students were handed a budget they had to be considerate of throughout the day. They were required to calculate how much money they needed to delegate toward souvenirs and food.
Theme parks are obviously a lot of fun, but it is so easy to drain one’s wallet by overdoing it on expensive food and unnecessary souvenirs that have a tendency to lose their luster after exiting the theme park. The students made every effort to stay below their allotted budget and use some of the practical advice taught by Adrienne Hasse. Unfortunately, their instructor could not make it due to having hurt her ankle so their co-instructors, Dominick Brown and Cole Chaskey were kind enough to fill in for Adrienne. For some of the students, this was their very first time braving a rollercoaster and realizing it was not as frightening as was built up in their minds. More fun than frightening, in fact!
We are looking forward to more field trips within the community and far beyond as we proceed throughout the fall months!