It is a breath of fresh air to finally escape the grip of winter and also move out of that period of seasonal limbo… if you know what we mean. It is referring to that period that may sometimes last until the beginning of May in which some days feel like full-flown spring and others seem like winter is still holding on for dear life! Our individuals are beginning to gather outdoors in shorts and short-sleeved shirts. It looks like things may stay this way for the next few months.
We would like to present you with a photo of some alumni of the College Experience enjoying the arrival of spring on the porch of their own home on the afternoon of Thursday, May 20, 2021. After graduating, this group of gentlemen decided they liked each other enough to keep the party going as housemates! From left to right is Tor, Zahin, Reed, and Sam. Everybody in this house has been vaccinated, but they are continuing to be responsible until we are completely back to the Old Normal. We are proud of how well these men are doing as alumni with regard to volunteer work and their professional endeavors. This photo was taken minutes after Zahin was dropped off after his second consecutive day of volunteering at the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York.