The pandemic has not robbed the College Experience of togetherness and social interaction in a safe manner. On that note, the Alumni Activities Club reunited on the evening of Sunday, June 7th for our first Social Distancing Dance Party that lasted for ninety minutes on the Zoom Conference feature.
We had a wonderful time grooving to some of our favorite songs. We danced to everything from the Beatle’s “Yesterday” to “Sweet Victory” from the SpongeBob SquarePants episode, “Band Geeks.” Staff set up the Zoom event, but the alumni ran the show and caught up with each other’s endeavors during this unusual, unprecedented time our lives.
The Alumni Activities Club also has a Social Distancing Walking Club that has been meeting nearly every week on Saturday or Sunday depending on the weather. We welcome the many other ideas that the alumni have in their imaginative toolbox in order to engage in social interaction before we meet again in person someday when it is completely safe. One of the highlights of this awesome event was celebrating the birthday of Christopher Schlosser who graduated from the College Experience in 2016 and turned 26 this particular Sunday!
This Social Distancing Dance Party proved to be so popular that we are most likely going to plan it next weekend and the one after that as long as there is ongoing enthusiasm.