Our full-time social worker, Allison Fuller created a brand new class with the assistance of her interns, Zhixin and Elaine. The class is called, “Character Strengths,” which rages against perceptions created by society that there is always going to be something wrong with us that has to be fixed.
There are always things our students and the rest of us need to work on, although we will drive ourselves crazy if we constantly focus on what is wrong. Therefore, the class is strength-based in every way, shape, and form as we explore strong Character Strengths that may be honed over time.
Nick Davidson decided to write about the trait of “Love,” which he explored in an eloquent essay he is holding next to Allison. As you can clearly see, Nick has superb handwriting, and we have transcribed his words for your enjoyment! We continue to be exposed on a daily basis to the talents and abilities of the students as well as the alumni. They will never cease to amaze us!
What is Love?
By Nick Davidson
After millions of songs and greeting cards, love needs no introduction That said, we want to be clear about how the term is used in the VIA Classification. Love as a character strength, rather than as an emotion, refers to the degree to which you value close relationships with people and contribute to that closeness in a warm and genuine way. Where kindness can be a behavioral pattern applied in any relationship. Love as a character strength really refers to the way you approach your closet and warmest relationships. Love is reciprocal, referring to both loving others and the willingness to accept love from each other with a biological and evolutionary base.