David Lieberman Donating Blood College ExperienceDuring times of uncertainty when our world is shaken, it is important to hold onto some things we have control over until the tough times subside. We must step beyond ourselves and make contributions whenever possible to humanity. David Lieberman did just that on Friday, March 27, 2020 when he and his father, Aaron went to the New York Blood Center in the Long Island area to donate a pint. Blood donations are desperately needed during this time when many drives around the country have been forced to cancel as a precaution for the public’s safety.

Despite being only 21 years old, David is a full-time staff member at the College Experience and is the first former student in the 15 year history of the program to have achieved this milestone! He is on the autism spectrum and has served as a teaching assistant within the program for the past two years. David is also an accomplished public orator who has spoken at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY in addition to Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, NY.